A weekend of transmission and embodiment
Oct 25-27

unbuckle your seatbelt…
S.H.E. (She Has Embidiment) is a weekend for women to explore the juicy, sexy, raw, hidden aspects of themselves, in a safe container.

When we are around other women who embody certain aspects, we can receive imprints and transmissions, awakening new templates for our nervous system. This workshop is designed for maximum Imprinting and Transmission.

Authentic Connection
Through excersises designed to create a real safetly in our body being, we find we start to feel more connections in this kind of setting. We will deepen our experiences through our collective longing for uplifting and authetic connections as well as juicy intimacy exercises. How often do you get to authentically connect with other women, in a sacred and intentional context? This workshop will provide the framework, and the permission.Perhaps deeper than you’ve ever experienced.

Access you Innate POWER
When we come together, we amplify what’s already present. By gathering with the intent to open the door to the unlimited power that is always available, we release the limiting constraints we put on ourselves.

Get turned ON!
Come to fill your well up, and learn how to keep filling it, and get turned ON so that your cup overfloweth.
Aloha Alnoba
Located at the beautiful Alnoba Retreat Center. Just 25 minutes from Portsmouth, in Kensington, NH. Alnoba offer exquisite retreat space and has been the center for leaders around the world to meet and transform.
SHE Workshop
October 25-27
Facilitated by Deb Ayer and Mackensie Grant
All Inclusive Meals & Lodging

Testimonials from similar events:
Mackensie provided an invaluable experience of safety, connection, and encouraged pushing the envelope of comfort in order to release, learn and grow. A talented, intuitive facilitator, Mackensie guided with wisdom, love, empathy and humor. I can truly say that I feel more acceptance of all the parts of me, particularly those that I have so often rejected and neglected, and thus acceptance of others as well. I have learned ways to help release feelings. This sisterhood connection, love and affection has filled my heart.
My retreat with Mackensie was an incredibly expansive experience. Each day brought its own medicine, much of which was time released and continues to show up for me in surprising ways even months after. Mackensie powerfully held a safe, sacred and deeply loving container in which any and all internal experience were safe to be felt, expressed, and released. My favorite part of any experience with Mackensie as teacher is her ability to see the real, real underneath my surface expressions, and challenge me in her most loving, yet direct way, to experiment with my discomfort. Through her more, than any other teacher so far, I’ve learned the deep bliss that can come from giving attention to my pain.